I've fallen off the wagon again (or is it that I'm back on the wagon?) In terms of budgeting but I feel truly happy with the amount of great music I've discovered and what's readily available right now. What a time to be alive...
Many moons ago
@Mr Moore recommended the Lithuanian Free Jazz label NoBusiness Records by posting his haul on here. I have spent a long time going through their catalogue digitally or on YouTube, using it as an outlet during the pandemic to watch a "live" jazz show. I find a lot of it fascinating even though Free Jazz is probably not something I would play much on vinyl. This John Tchicai - Tribal Ghost album is one I would as relatively speaking it's the most accessible. I also loved the cover art.
I'm really excited about receiving my copy of Pharoah Sanders x Floating Points from hhv. I have that cued up to go on the table next. Die Cut sleeve looks really neat and these have been pressed at Pallas according to the runouts. Luka bop also has that tongue in cheek "some people like coloured vinyl, for them we made this" sticker on the front which I dig.
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I have wanted to pick up the Hiroshi Yoshimura Green album for a while now. Seeing as they're doing Postcards soon (which I have on pre-order) I pulled the trigger so I'll have a set.
@Skalap knows how bad I've wanted (and for how long I've complained about it's retail price) Soul Media - Funky Stuff. This hurt the wallet but I know I'm going to spin it a ton.
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Finally, a couple of bandcamp Friday buys. TV Girl - French Exit is totally hyped by the hipsters on Reddit so I decided to give it a go. The other band is a post rock group from Switzerland/Australia which I stumbled upon. Given where the band is from this is like a double import for me so usually when I'm spending this kind of money on a record I try to justify knowing it would hold it's "resale value". This probably won't hold any resale value but the music is lovely and it really spoke to me so I felt I needed to support the band. Check them out!
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