Meanwhile, in happier Discogs experiences...
I just made the last personal vinyl purchase I'll be making for a while, as life is being life-y, but I have a tradition of buying myself something special when I get my first paycheque from a new job and today upheld that tradition.
I was perusing the Canadian seller Sun Ra listings a week or so back, as I'm prone to do probably far more often than is healthy, and noticed a seller with some exciting items at reasonable prices located in BC. I reached out to inquire whereabouts in BC in hopes of being able to arrange in-person, or by proxy, purchasing to save on shipping costs. Turns out he lives just across town and was excited to learn of another Sun Ra fan around these parts. Not only did we cut out shipping but he offered me a ripping good deal on these, well below his online asking price, and to top it all off he came and delivered them to my house just now! He was the original owner of both of these albums and they're in great shape - especially for the price he gave me. He also told me all about the Arkestra show he attended here in the 80s and seeing Ornette Coleman at the same venue! Not only am I excited to have these albums but I look forward to having a new older music nerd friend with an expansive collection and deep love of experimental music, noise and free jazz!
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And, fortunately, despite my vinyl fast I still have a bunch of pre-orders and my final VMP fulfilment (all individually shipped, most mere days apart!) on the way, so I won't be entirely without that Fresh Grabs feeling over the coming months!