Inaugural post!!
Conflicted right now as to what to do:
I have a Grace 707 Tone-Arm with ZC+ cartridge and it requires replacement stylus now (small accident!

Had 'decent' performance to my ear which requires re-calibrating after a long hiatus from vinyl!
The dilemma is whether to get an 8MZ and be content with that in the ZC+, or hold off until my budget can stretch that extra $110 and get the Gold3 (with all the fabulous reviews on this thread it is really turning my head!)
I have read good reviews of the improved performance offered by the 8MZ on a ZC+ and also on other, perhaps comparable current Grado cartridges (perhaps
@RichGrado can affirm - think it is maybe comparable with today's 'Green' - also than you for your participation on this forum, it is REALLY appreciated!)
Decision would be easier if I could opt for the 8MZ now if it was possible to subsequently later purchase the Gold without Stylus (but it doesn't look like that is a purchase option) - that would be the ideal way to go for me. But with the currently available purchase options that would take my outlay to $410 if I go that route - too rich for me to go that way unfortunately.
So my choices are
8MZ - $150 (and done for foreseeable future)
'Entry level' Stylus now & Wait for Gold3 - total outlay $320.
*If anyone has stylus from which they have upgraded, please let me know if you would make it available at reasonable cost which could make my decision to wait for additional disposable funds to purchase the Gold3.
Incidentally this won't be an option for me - getting 8MZ AND then a Gold3 later - however I am curious as to whether there is going to be readily discernible difference between Gold3 Stylus and 8MZ in the Gold3 cartridge
In other words - for those who have a Gold 3 would you replace the stylus with same, or an 8MZ? (maybe still to early to tell on that one?)