Hip Hop

same!!! congrats 🍻

edit: I got the confirmation email but my paypal window is still spinning so i'm kinda scared but if I got the confirmation email I should be good right?
Yes you’re good bro
wow, cant believe i got nothing this time
Email them they may have extras from cancellations and keep checking the site for cancellations.
I think I have the splatter which was stupid to go for... the order page timed out but I got email confirmation and it's in my Bandcamp purchases, so I should be good right?

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Yes you’re good bro
That credit card option I think is half of the reason bandcamp got extra fkd up tonight.

You have to love daupe adding about 100 copies AFTER it sold out for the most desperate to still get some.
But they added extras fees to the "bonus round" copies lol
FYI - Not sure how many people used it but just loading a card into Bandcamp and checking out directly rather than using PayPal seemed to go smoother for me.

That's how I did it. Eliminating that extra payment processing was a lot easier. Still had the stress of hoping the transaction even went through, but it was nice to eliminate paypal from those steps.
Yep, this made things much easier for me.