Hip Hop

Anyone else think the Conway x Wun Two has been a little... boring from what's been dropped? Beats are fine but flow feels very lazy almost like recycled lines. The Conductor and Spesh albums were more engaging imo. Not criticizing just wondering what y'all think

@walkingdogs just the excuse I've needed to grab Monkey Barz:D

yeah, i hope the other tracks are better. i had higher expectations for whatever reason, probably just for the sake of this being a bit different

This box set looks nice, the 7"'s might sound better than the standard pressing too? Never got the VMP 45rpm version myself..
The VMP version DEFINITELY sounds better so it's very possible these 7" do too. I have a '93 original and the VMP copy. The one unfortunate caveat about the VMP version is the chance of right channel static that was kind of prevalent during that few month GZ run of VMP ROTMs. The VMP version goes for right around $50 on Discogs and you don't have to get up every 3 minutes to change sides.