Hip Hop

I don't have a dog in this fight but a nice fact to throw in is Kendrick Lamar "euphoria" did 9,206,498 streams globally on Spotify yesterday. The most steams of any hip hop song in 2024.

Oh! It's finally up there, sweet! Playing YouTube on repeat was getting old! :ROFLMAO:
The C&D on French was because French thought Drake gave him the verse for free when actually Drake wanted a percentage of the royalties. I mean idk if there was a verbal agreement, or if French assumed it was repayment for work French has let Drake have in the past but they obviously weren't on the same page

That's the narrative media outlets have been getting at. Drake only let's people play when he gets a piece otherwise he is trying to block shit
Lol yeah those damn narratives are like assholes. They all stink from time to time. 20240211_133114-removebg-preview.png
Fxck Rxp is doing 20% off their vinyl releases for Bandcamp Friday. BC variant of the J.U.S. album is up. Code is BVB09

Also, Muggs just dropped on Madlib’s library series

Yeah unless Drake has some kind of planned nuke otw he may have fumbled this one lol. From what i can tell he may not have calculated his strategy right for that Mayweather effect and it's looking rough out here for the 6 God 😄

Imo, he should've had a bomb ready to drop for the same day Euphoria dropped, but hey, what do I know. Maybe he'll still surprise us drake.gif
You just going off of that post or was there something else said/shown to definitely confirm this?
He's been alluding to it for years

And his song called Lytskyn alludes he was involved in the Meek beef

Kendrick said "your best shit is a lyt pack" and that he would "get back to back 2 back for the record"

Maybe all this and the tweet from Daylyt that has the diss songs samples and says back to back on it is all coincidence or they're all trolling....maybe it is true. Only time will tell
He's been alluding to it for years

And his song called Lytskyn alludes he was involved in the Meek beef

Kendrick said "your best shit is a lyt pack" and that he would "get back to back 2 back for the record"

Maybe all this and the tweet from Daylyt that has the diss songs samples and says back to back on it is all coincidence or they're all trolling....maybe it is true. Only time will tell

Also it's odd that Daylyt is posting this and not Kendrick or the producers involved