Canibus from the Fugees. DuhWho is Hip Hop Man?
call me when they have the rights to the thing their own art... let's see if the new "owners" actually do the right thing.![]()
New De La Soul Catalog Owners Say They’ll Work With Band to Bring Albums to Streaming Services
Reservoir Media purchases Tommy Boy Music, including De La Soul’s discography, for $100
Pretty crazy development in the TB saga and they are clearly trying to cash in as much as possible before this all clears. Looks like De La is still not going to get the rights themselves but hopefully they can at least cash in in some form from this new ownership.
This Peter Rosenberg album (I assume he “curated” it), is pretty dope. Not sure who all did the beats but they are all solid to excellent. Fairly eclectic list of guests with some interesting combos. For my money, Jim Jones or Jay Nice had the best verses on the project.
was that TTL or Rough Trade?call me when they have the rights to the thing their own art... let's see if the new "owners" actually do the right thing.
edit: also screw vmp and ttl and anyone else putting out physicals until the band say this is resolved
y - the current on is rough trade. my bad.was that TTL or Rough Trade?
Doesn't sound like they are going to see the full rights to their music for a long time, if ever. At least the new owners sound like they want to come to some kind of agreement with DLS so that all parties can benefit vs it just being the one sided affair it has been. The aren't going to spend $100 Mil just to sit on the content and it seems that De La has some kind of control over it being released digitally so I'd like to think level heads will prevail. Only time will tell I me when they have the rights to the thing their own art... let's see if the new "owners" actually do the right thing.
Doesn't sound like they are going to see the full rights to their music for a long time, if ever. At least the new owners sound like they want to come to some kind of agreement with DLS so that all parties can benefit vs it just being the one sided affair it has been. The aren't going to spend $100 Mil just to sit on the content and it seems that De La has some kind of control over it being released digitally so I'd like to think level heads will prevail. Only time will tell I guess.
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Maybe its code for la maquina deluxe editionWhat is this? I cant remember anything by that name
Maybe its code for la maquina deluxe edition