It Could Get A Bit Messi In Here - The Football Thread.

Mixed feelings about Spurs win. Wish they would of pulled out the W but not upset about the draw. Who would of thought Emerson Royal would of been so great today. Now, Let's go Leeds!
By far the best game I’ve seen from Emerson. He was so calm when passing out from the back, defended headers so well on the endless crosses from TAA, helps that Romero is on his side too, and even got forward and started the eventual goal with a cross.
I did the same thing with Trossard. 17 points on my bench ……

Hahaha! As a united fan taking any player out facing that disgrace of a team is a proper mistake.

On an aside, delighted to see Welbeck playing so well. He’s had a hell of a time with injuries, was treated shoddily by van Gaal when he left United, which along with Evans should never have happened, and he’s always come across like a good lad.