It Could Get A Bit Messi In Here - The Football Thread.

I feel like Spurs can’t mess this up. Yanited are too hot and cold and there’s a bit of a gap now between 5th and 6th. 5th place is almost guaranteed CL football next season so if it’s us or Villa I don’t really care. 4th will be nice but 5th is still a fantastic season after 8th last year.

Also, there’s no way Spurs lose all 3 matches vs. City, Liverpool, and Arsenal. They’re taking at least a point from someone. Who though? I have no idea.
I feel like Spurs can’t mess this up. Yanited are too hot and cold and there’s a bit of a gap now between 5th and 6th. 5th place is almost guaranteed CL football next season so if it’s us or Villa I don’t really care. 4th will be nice but 5th is still a fantastic season after 8th last year.

Also, there’s no way Spurs lose all 3 matches vs. City, Liverpool, and Arsenal. They’re taking at least a point from someone. Who though? I have no idea.

Hopefully the latter….
This luxury tax news is interesting. Would this allow all 20 teams to be more competitive or would an actual cap be more effective?
Cap will never happen too much greed. I think the luxury tax will work for the first few teams that get hit with it. Then everyone will learn how to evade it and we'll be right back to sneaky money times