It Could Get A Bit Messi In Here - The Football Thread.

There have been plenty incidents of racist, right wing extremist and ultranationalist bullshit during this tournament. On the pitch, in the stands and outside of the stadiums. From what i can recall so far these have been linked to fans or even players from Germany, Turkey, Serbia, Austria, Albania, Croatia, Hungary. There might have been more.
Quite disgusting but pretty much thats Europe as it is right now
There have been plenty incidents of racist, right wing extremist and ultranationalist bullshit during this tournament. On the pitch, in the stands and outside of the stadiums. From what i can recall so far these have been linked to fans or even players from Germany, Turkey, Serbia, Austria, Albania, Croatia, Hungary. There might have been more.
Quite disgusting but pretty much thats Europe as it is right now

With the exception of Germany and Austria that’s pretty much a list of the usual suspects, as sad as it is. Serbia and Hungary in particular. They’re all what my club away following friends often think of as no go.

How have the English behaved? Managed to avoid drunkenly smashing up city centres whilst singing about their great granddads bombing them?
I want to watch Spain/Germany tomorrow, who wants to take care of two beautiful kids for a couple hours? Then put them to sleep so I can watch Portugal/France as well.
Why the heck is Fox Sports showing Yellow Cards at the top? It’s not notable and worth mentioning. It’s not as if you get 3 yellows and then you lose a player or some kind of logic in that way. All 11 players on the pitch can get yellows and nothing changes. This is so dumb.
