July 29 - International Tiger Day
Play a purr-fect record
Beck - Sea Change
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Gandalf checking out what's playing
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My wife's grandparents came from Scotland. Thinking back, I'm surprised we didn't have a piper at our wedding. Sounds awesome.We had a piper at my wedding. I love the bag pipes, but more for the surprised reaction of other people when they don't know it is coming
They definitely have a way with song titles as well. I'm Jim Morrison, I'm Dead is one of their bestJuly 27 - Scotch Whisky Day
Play something connected to Scotland
Mogwai - Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will
Not the Glasgow band's best album (but near the top), but definitely their best album title.
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Day 30: The Walkman was first introduced in 1979
Play some headphones music
Dr. Dre - The Chronic
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I don’t yet have a Walkman yet, it’s on my waitlist though as I have been accumulating a decent amount of cassette tapes recently. Until then, here’s some some cassette love on my tape deck…
Damn hipster with your tape decks and riding your penny farthings while wearing plus fores