Day 7 - Should You Have That?
Got any bootlegs or promos? Play one! If not, play something random from your collection for us.
I have a feeling my interpretation of this one will be different than most other folks.
A bootleg is an unauthorized live or studio recording that sees the light of day without the official involvement of the artist or the record company. In contrast, an unofficial copy of an officially released record would be considered a pirated LP.
Bootlegs and I go way back to my college daze. I was naturally drawn to them as a live music lover. I also enjoyed some bands that had a very finite output of official music and bootlegs were my only shot at discovering something new. The days of record shows with rampant availability of bootlegs were fun. There were some really nice visual and aural packages done up by some labels like Trade Mark Of Quality and The Amazing Kornyphone Record Label to name a couple. The bootleg labels also had a great sense of humor in record names and cover art. Here's one from my collection that's, well, funny as hell -
The Doors - Get Fat And Die
Another by-product of the popularity of bootlegs was what basically amounted to a print version of Discogs called Hot Wacks. It came out quarterly and I could get it shipped to my door from Kitchener, Ontario, Canada for $4. Here are a couple issues I still have and a taste of the info they gathered -

Which brings us to my post. Gonna do one of each - a bootleg and a promo.
Part of the magic of the bootleg is being able to experience an event that happened once for a select few. This one hits that mark - a live recording of Keith Richards' benefit show for the Canadian National Institute For The Blind that was a caveat for him avoiding jail time for a drug bust.
The New Barbarians & The Rolling Stones - Blind Date
And here's my most prized promo.
I've told this story before but in condensed form - was asked to stop at a yard sale against my will which I begrudgingly did, found a box of records that were complete and utter garbage, flipped to the back of the box and found a first press VG+ copy of The Doors S/T in both mono and white label promo and left with it for a cost of 50 cents. Score.
The Doors - S/T