[June] Master RSD 2021 Wantlist / Help Thread

Yeah, I'm still looking for that Souls Slabs vol3.
It was oos on Rough Trade UK...
I'm also looking for Tom Tom Club's The Good, the bad & the funky and Super Furry Animals' Ice Hockey hair.
If anybody sees them online @ me!

EDIT: nevermind, it doesn't look like they ship outside the US and Canada
Dang, site's not loading for me!
How about here?

How about here?

Oh hell yes!!!!
Found them all there!
Order placed!

hey n&g fam!!!

i am looking for let it enfold you by senses fail. all the stores in my area had limited quantities. lmk if you can find it for me in your area or if you can point me somewhere to it online!!! this wasn’t one of my most wanted/necessary picks, but i would still like to have it!! :)

Was anyone still looking for toots and the Maytals?
If anyone in the UK has sighted Kenny Dorham anywhere please let me know. It's looking like it's a hard one to find 🙏