
unfortunately i have a lot of insight into this particular situation. ive met and tattooed tons of wealthy, celebs, athletes, etc. im not saying that their motives aren't in the right place. what i am saying is that many of them use it as a tax shelter and when going very publicly about it use it as a card to show "here i'm doing this so i'm good" type of persona. ive also had the pleasure of meeting real philanthropists who seek no attention and just give without worrying about accolades and blowback.

in kanyes case its hard to discern his true motives since hes got a track record of instability and pettiness. im with him for bringing attention to the cause or corruption. i am saying that kanye is very low on the totem pole of being legit for causes and activism until he shows me that this new leap towards faith and what his ensuing actions are. ill give him the benefit of the doubt though - but i don't feel that defending him based on his celebrity and past transgressions of inappropriateness gives him a clean karma blanket to work with.

as my mom said - go earn it. so ill support his causes until his attitude is reliable enough to make me want to rep him as a decent human being again. not fucking with you woob, i appreciate your perspective here. i feel were on the same page about the system and showing everyone love. all im saying is that there are more deserving people ahead in the line that do more shit with less than kenye and dont make a huge production out of it. all love fam!
Giving a million dollars to a worthy cause is still giving a million dollars to a worthy cause no matter the reasons behind it.
true. but youre being highly subjective here. i totally agree with your outlook and im not knocking your opinion man, cause that like - your opinion. id offer you to be a little open minded as to what others say so you can keep it as reference that you, nor i, really have no idea what yes intentions are. i hope for the best from him and all others. he just has a long history of some bullshit too. if youre going to defend kanye - i think theres a long list of guys that demand your respect first. but yes, he did a nice thing there. try not to feel so attacked or have tunnel vision. peace and aloha fam.

Giving a million dollars to a worthy cause is still giving a million dollars to a worthy cause no matter the reasons behind it.
Giving a million dollars to a worthy cause is still giving a million dollars to a worthy cause no matter the reasons behind it.
Considering he is bragging lately about God giving him a $68 million dollar tax return this year, it doesn't really drive the selfless Christian giving point home. If I give 1/68th of my tax return to charity nobody gives a shit.

I agree that it is a good thing. But I think a lot of people see that he could be doing so much more if he is really serious about the whole Christianity thing and WWJDing his life. I think that is a valid point that isn't invalidated just because Kanye has done something good.
I'm clearly too old to get memes
Me too... I don't understand this one at all 😂
oh wait, I think I get it. this is the same tactic that I use on the kids when they want something we don't want them to have
As one of the forum's resident millenials, I am something of a meme expert*. Therefore, allow me to explain.

The nucleus of this meme revolves around the nostalgic phenomenon that lower-class children have often been subject to in which they are bewitched by something they have observed in a store of some variety. In awe of the nature of this item they are coveting, they naively express a desire to obtain the object to their parental guardians who, upon witnessing the outrageous price tag, must explain to their wide-eyed children that it would be preposterous - nay, ludicrous - to spend such an immense sum of money on an item that they have to some capacity in their household already. However, the child realizes that there is a rather large disparity in the quality of the item they had seen in the store and what awaits them at home. This contrasting is used to humorous effect in the piece above to illustrate how many followers of Kanye "Yeezus" West have expressed disappointment at the fact that the album Yandhi, which fans have procured leaks of, will never truly arrive and in it's place, West has bequeathed unto us Jesus is King, a much more divisive project and, one would dare postulate, one of a lower quality than desired.

You are now properly educated on this aspect of meme culture. For your homework, you are to demonstrate in essay form how this meme secretly illuminates the struggles of impoverished families and how the ways in which bootleg products of lower qualities affects the marketplace.

*I'm not
That’s not *always* true. A lot of people who accepted Epstein money are struggling to make that justification right now.

That’s an entirely different situation that has no direct comparison to Kanye, I know. Just saying that all philanthropy is giving, but not all giving is philanthropic.
A) Kanye is not anywhere close to Epstein
B)If Epsteins money did any real good for those charities that's justification enough.
As one of the forum's resident millenials, I am something of a meme expert*. Therefore, allow me to explain.

The nucleus of this meme revolves around the nostalgic phenomenon that lower-class children have often been subject to in which they are bewitched by something they have observed in a store of some variety. In awe of the nature of this item they are coveting, they naively express a desire to obtain the object to their parental guardians who, upon witnessing the outrageous price tag, must explain to their wide-eyed children that it would be preposterous - nay, ludicrous - to spend such an immense sum of money on an item that they have to some capacity in their household already. However, the child realizes that there is a rather large disparity in the quality of the item they had seen in the store and what awaits them at home. This contrasting is used to humorous effect in the piece above to illustrate how many followers of Kanye "Yeezus" West have expressed disappointment at the fact that the album Yandhi, which fans have procured leaks of, will never truly arrive and in it's place, West has bequeathed unto us Jesus is King, a much more divisive project and, one would dare postulate, one of a lower quality than desired.

You are now properly educated on this aspect of meme culture. For your homework, you are to demonstrate in essay form how this meme secretly illuminates the struggles of impoverished families and how the ways in which bootleg products of lower qualities affects the marketplace.

*I'm not
Kanye got a massive refund because Trump effected changes to tax law to benefit the 1%

For some reason, many Christians think Trump is a gift from God.

None of it makes a lick of sense, other than rich people help rich people.
I promise you the people who work the charity you are donating to give a shit. Every penny counts to these charities that are trying to make real change in the world.
Oh, I know, I just meant I don't think anyone could successfully use it to convince someone else I'm notably generous. And if I wanted to practice the good stuff that Jesus told people to do, I could do a lot more (I should do more anyway for reasons that have nothing to do with Christianity).

It's something I'm admittedly bitter about because growing up in a church and being surrounded by people who define themselves by their Christianity I've realized that far too many of them are in fact selfish, judgmental, hypocritical bigots.

At the moment it seems to me like Kanye is making more money off of his newfound enthusiasm about his faith than he is giving, which is not exactly in the spirit of that faith. Saying he is massively overcharging on Jesus merch to "feed his [unfathomably wealthy] family" doesn't make it seem like that will change soon.

I hope I end up being wrong about that because he is rich enough to do a lot of good if he wants to.
Oh, I know, I just meant I don't think anyone could successfully use it to convince someone else I'm notably generous. And if I wanted to practice the good stuff that Jesus told people to do, I could do a lot more (I should do more anyway for reasons that have nothing to do with Christianity).

It's something I'm admittedly bitter about because growing up in a church and being surrounded by people who define themselves by their Christianity I've realized that far too many of them are in fact selfish, judgmental, hypocritical bigots.

At the moment it seems to me like Kanye is making more money off of his newfound enthusiasm about his faith than he is giving, which is not exactly in the spirit of that faith. Saying he is massively overcharging on Jesus merch to "feed his [unfathomably wealthy] family" doesn't make it seem like that will change soon.

I hope I end up being wrong about that because he is rich enough to do a lot of good if he wants to.
Idk I'm not really trying to argue that Kanye is living by Christian ideals or that hes some great philanthropist, or that he cant do more (we can all do more) I'm just saying that the act of giving a million dollars to a cause that needs all the help it can get is in of itself a good act. Giving to charity should always commended and encouraged whether it's the most you can do or not, whether it's tax deductible or not, whether you tell people or not. It's all great. Give to causes you believe in.
i think if i had 68 million back (which means i probably made a while lot more than 68 million) AND knowing that 68 million buys a lot of shit, id be embarrassed to make a big deal out of only donating 68 million. especially after trump changed the rules for the wealthy to get way more back than previous.

this is only my opinion and not trying to beef but here it is:

kanye is kind of a narcissistic dick. if he ever believed in anything he wrote / rapped about - his life (and ours after giving him our money - the reason hes so wealthy) - common sense being that he is a genuis etc etc etc would dictate he'd do a lot more with the rewards. instead he seeks vindication for everything, wants to be recognized on a constant basis, and goes fucking totally nuts whenever someone disagrees with him. at first i wondered why he wore that maga hat, but now im realizing that this guy is black trump. he doesnt really give a shit about what he says as he practives the opposite of what he preaches or frequently introduces a variety of other elements to sidetrack and distance himself from what was the real topic.

folks that defend kanye for HIS actions have an affinity to do the same. his "followers" dont know kanye - so theres no way to validate directly his "genius" or say this or that is why he meant to do it. hes a packaged pop start that generates tons of revenue on what in all honesty is at times good and at time mediocre. its the circus life that gets him this attention - but i dont see him returning that to the best of his ability to where / what he preaches about (past or now).

that said. if you like him - then great. but for fucks sake dont put kanye on a higher pedestal than hes already put himself. i feel like talking about him is just clickbait at this point and im regretting even have popped my head into this thread. you want a real mc that could kick kanyes ass in a ring, a lyrical battle, and on principles alone? black thought's been doing it a lot longer without any bullshit and has represented hip hop like a g for all since day muthafuckin one. and hes never waffled. so please dont come out with any mumbo jumbo bullshit other than you like kanye. thats cool. but i have a serious problem with someone of his all over the place stances trying to be a central human figure of consistency, decency and moving forward positively. at this point, until he proves me wrong hes kind of a sad joke that keeps believing all the hype.