Well-Known Member
I subscribe as much for the philosophy as the music. I do think it's the way to go for new labels, especially in this streaming age.I'd intended to make a thread on LNFG and never got around to it - @Thackeraye has done a much better job than I would have!
Subbed for Platinum in 2020. Think my favourite of the 2020 releases was Mt Doubt, which crept up on me to quite an extent. Love the last track in particular. The Cloth, Broken Chanter and Domiciles albums are all very good. Only listened to the Slow Weather EP once but it sounded good.
Hadn't been sure about re-subbing this year but have gone for it, swayed by the Trashcan Sinatras reissue and my expectation that the new Sister John record will be good. It's also very cheap for what you are getting.
Personally, I'd love it if they found a band or two that liked a power chord and a distortion pedal, but that's just me. I was maybe slightly too young for the bands that the label use as a touchstone, but I'm starting to like it all a bit more. All of the releases above were great, and although I've only listened to it once, the new Bis album is good fun.