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Day 29 - record shop
Neil Young and Crazy Horse - Sleeps With Angels
Most of my records are from record shops - nothing beats them for the random joy of finding old (and new) friends. This was my one purchase from the most local of locals - a shop just round the corner from where I used to live in Lewisham. It's completely disorganised but I found this for £15, one of my favourite albums by Neil, and I seen to remember the old guy who ran it even knocked it down to £12.

Neil Young and Crazy Horse - Sleeps With Angels
Most of my records are from record shops - nothing beats them for the random joy of finding old (and new) friends. This was my one purchase from the most local of locals - a shop just round the corner from where I used to live in Lewisham. It's completely disorganised but I found this for £15, one of my favourite albums by Neil, and I seen to remember the old guy who ran it even knocked it down to £12.