May 2020 Record Challenge Thread (PRIZE RAFFLE AT THE END!)

one of the things I like about the sticker is the version of the song they play on the radio is so heavily censored compared to what’s on the album. My six year old daughter may be dancing to a song on the radio that mentions kissing. I get the album and the real lyrics are about dick sucking. It’s nice to get a heads up .
Fair point.
Exactly the same. My parents wouldn’t allow us to buy any music or films that weren’t appropriate and if one slipped through the net it was confiscated pretty sharpish. Unlike the classification of films it had no legal standing over here either so the shops could and would sell them to anyone. The area we could exploit as a teenager in the 90s was computer games, parents didn’t understand them at all 😂
Computer games and cartoons. My parents thought (still do) all video games and cartoons are only for kids. My dad doesn’t get the concept of adult animation and he still thinks anyone listening to rap music must be high as a kite on drugs.
Computer games and cartoons. My parents thought (still do) all video games and cartoons are only for kids. My dad doesn’t get the concept of adult animation and he still thinks anyone listening to rap music must be high as a kite on drugs.

My dad just didn’t get it. His line is, “I’m not stupid, if I wanted to work a computer I’d learn but then people would make me use the damned machine!”

The idea of kids pretending on a computer rather than being outside and doing completely perplexed him and he still thinks the idea of adults doing that is weird and sad lol.
My friend and I rushed out to buy The Slim Shady LP the day it released because we had heard the censored version of My Name Is on the local Detroit stations for a month.

We were disappointed to find out Eminem was not a joke-rapper talking about "I just drank a fifth of kool-aid, dare me to drive" when we heard the actual album. That disappointment didn't really age well...
Day 11 (Catch up...almost there...) - Album you got from a record club
Badbadnotgood - LateNightTales Comp VMP Edition

Searching for club pressings in discogs made me realize how many VMP records I own...don't have a ton of non-VMP club records (just joined Secretly Society recently though) so I'll shout out one of my favorite comp series that just so happened to have a VMP variant. I probably have around 15 LNT comps now and love all of them. Perfect to throw on when I don't know what I'm in the mood to listen to.

My parents were a bit more complex for me to figure out.

I grew up watching all the horror movies I wanted. My mom dropped off my brother and I to see Nightmare On Elm Street 3 by ourselves a year or 2 prior to the hammer incident.

The couple of "fucks" heard on that album seems less of an issue to me than the boobs and violence they let me watch.
Oh you guys should have grown up in the VHS birth era ... me and my mate every Saturday trotted to the paper shop to get three films (paid for by our parents!) as he did a rent two get one free thing ..and we watched every video nasty going for 6 months before the newspapers blew it up as a national outrage name it we watched it at the tender age of 12 ..Driller Killer, spit on your grave, nightmares in a damaged brain , exorcist and my favourite ,.the burning ...we actually got bored of them before our parents cottoned on and the paper shop actually started checking the age restrictions..aah the good old days...didn’t do me any harm ..honest
My parents were a bit more complex for me to figure out.

I grew up watching all the horror movies I wanted. My mom dropped off my brother and I to see Nightmare On Elm Street 3 by ourselves a year or 2 prior to the hammer incident.

The couple of "fucks" heard on that album seems less of an issue to me than the boobs and violence they let me watch.
same here we had 3 movie theaters in walking distance , I saw Robocop, Beverly Hills Cop, Aliens , Predator, Nightmare on Elm st etc when I was like 11. The only thing that was forbidden was the porno theater. At the same time my dad broke my Fresh Prince tape because rap music was for druggies lol he had no idea about my NWA or Guns N Roses tapes.
Oh you guys should have grown up in the VHS birth era ... me and my mate every Saturday trotted to the paper shop to get three films (paid for by our parents!) as he did a rent two get one free thing ..and we watched every video nasty going for 6 months before the newspapers blew it up as a national outrage name it we watched it at the tender age of 12 ..Driller Killer, spit on your grave, nightmares in a damaged brain , exorcist and my favourite ,.the burning ...we actually got bored of them before our parents cottoned on and the paper shop actually started checking the age restrictions..aah the good old days...didn’t do me any harm ..honest
everything that wasn’t behind the room with the curtain was pretty much fair game to rent at the Video stores . Cannibal Holocaust, and Clockwork Orange were the ones that stuck with me til this day
Day 11 - Album from a record club

Wagon Christ - Musipal

Back before VMP was Variant Me, Please, they often had great exclusive releases like this one that were specially curated. Often times they were new to me, like this was.

I’m sure what they’re doing now is a lot more financially lucrative for them (since they don’t have to do anything on their end besides green-lighting a variant of new release or reissue that’s already planned by another label), but it’s also what drove me from the club (even more so than logistical and pricing issues). Still, I think it was great being a member from roughly 2014-2018 - I added a lot of great music to my collection and paid fair prices.

My mom purchased Snoop Dogg’s Doggystyle for me when it was released I was in 6th grade at the time. But freaked the fuck out when I purchased the Beavis and Butthead Experience Comp because she thought B&B were “vulgar”. She actually made me give the CD away to a friend because ”that trash was not allowed in her house”.The Beavis & Butthead Comp that featured Cher and B&B covering “I Got You Babe” was vulgar but Snoop’s “Ain’t Know Fun” which I can probably still rap word-for-word was completely fine. Fresh Prince Called it right when he said, “Parents just don’t understand”.
Day 14: Rated M for Mature

Annotation 2020-05-14 104623.jpg

I got bored with this game...but the music is great.

Various ‎– The Music Of Red Dead Redemption II (Original Score)
Lakeshore Records/Invada ‎– LSINV225LP, 2020

Pressed at Optimal



Players use bows, pistols, shotguns, rifles, and explosives to kill enemies in frenetic combat; shooting enemies occasionally triggers a close-up, slow-motion view of enemies getting shot and killed. Players can also use tomahawks and knives to perform stealth kills to eliminate enemies discreetly. Large blood-splatter effects occur during battle, and some weapon attacks result in decapitation and/or dismemberment, leaving bloodstains and body parts on the ground. Campsites and cabin environments sometimes depict severed body parts and corpses with exposed viscera. Players may also engage in various criminal activities (e.g., robbing banks, shooting civilians), though this will negatively impact players' progress (e.g., wanted status, pursuit by lawmen and/or bounty hunters). Cutscenes also depict intense acts of violence: a man executed from the gallows; a character shooting himself in the head; a man repeatedly electrocuted; a bound man set on fire. The game contains instances of nudity and brief sexual content: a woman (breasts exposed) straddling a man inside a brothel; a spanking scene that is depicted from a distance and includes a fleeting depiction of male genitalia; sexual moaning sounds inside a tent; male characters with exposed genitalia in non-sexual settings (e.g., a man swimming in a river, corpses on the ground). During the course of the game, players' character can engage in a drinking mini-game in which alcohol is poured for drunken bar patrons; players' character is also depicted drinking alcohol, sometimes resulting in screen-distortion effects and impaired controls. One of the stimulant power-ups is known as Cocaine Gum, which players' character can chew; in one scene, characters can briefly be seen smoking from an opium pipe. The words “f**k,” “n**ger,” and “sh*t” can be heard in the dialogue.
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