May 2021 - Vinyl Spins Challenge Thread

Day 10: The Year of the Lockdown
So it’s been almost 14 months since the first lockdowns and here we are still in a restrictive full lockdown situation. Play me music that represents that feeling of isolation that the last year and a bit has confronted us with.

I actually love today's topic

This record is a great representation of something that came as a direct result of the lockdown, and of course in the bigger sense, the virus. Also, this record is something that wouldn't necessarily have happened in 'normal' times, not in this fashion anyway.
And, this record is beautiful.

I love what Gillian has posted on her website about it:

For reasons better discussed in the history books, in the Spring of 2020 Gillian and I dusted off an old tape machine and did some home recording. Sometimes we bumped the microphone, sometimes the tape ran out, but in the end we captured performances of some songs we love. Five are first takes and five took a little more doing, but they all helped pass the time and held our interest in playback enough that we wanted to share them with you. We sincerely hope that you enjoy


– David & Gillian

I so much dig that attitude.

The lockdown and isolation is going to create, and has already created, some fantastic art. I hope everyone living through this is expressing it in some's an era that will never be forgotten. and we're all part of it.

Day 11: Maturity
Play an album by an artist who sounds every bit as good, if not better, in their golden years as they did in their youth.

This man has been making music since the 70's. He cut his teeth on punk and has traveled down most every musical road since. He's an incredible musician and an even more incredible person. He's been at death's door and come back alive. He's someone I'm proud to call a friend.

Alejandro Escovedo - Burn Something Beautiful

Day 10: The Year of the Lockdown

Dezron Douglas & Brander Younger (2020 - International Anthem

An album of material taken from livestream sessions the duo did from their Harlem apartment in the early months of the lockdown. Bass and Harp is a lovely combination I never knew I'd appreciate so much. Two very talented musicians coping and helping others during a very scary time as NYC was the epicenter of covid in the US.
Day 11: Maturity

Play an album by an artist who sounds every bit as good, if not better, in their golden years as they did in their youth.

Robyn - Honey

More than 20 years after her debut (which is an eternity in the world of pop music), Robyn makes music that is not only more mature than when she started, but better.

Day 11: Maturity

Play an album by an artist who sounds every bit as good, if not better, in their golden years as they did in their youth.

Robyn - Honey

More than 20 years after her debut (which is an eternity in the world of pop music), Robyn makes music that is not only more mature than when she started, but better.


The fact that Robyn isnt celebrated at the same caliber as other pop powerhouses really is disgusting
Day 11: Maturity

Bill Callahan - Dream River (2013, Drag City)

Starting as Smog in the early 90s (maybe before?) Bill Callahan did lots of lofi noisy wonderful stuff. But over the years his sound shifted and 'matured' into a wry baritone storyteller, shedding a lot of the noise and angular textures for a more pastoral and generally restrained signal. At some point the Smog moniker didn't make sense and he began putting out work under his own name.

It could almost be seen as a musical settling down into married life and fatherhood, if his output didn't continue to be so freaking good as that 'settling' continues.
Day 11: Maturity

Play an album by an artist who sounds every bit as good, if not better, in their golden years as they did in their youth.

Max Richter / Vivaldi / Daniel Hope / Konzerthaus Kammerorchester Berlin / André de Ridder ‎– Recomposed By Max Richter: Vivaldi - The Four Seasons

Let's see... Antonio Vivaldi sounds pretty good for a 343 year old! LOL
