I used to own it. It’s not cheap . I don’t know your country , but MSRP is around $6500-$7000 USD I believe .
It’s extremely well built, looks absolutely beautifully and sounds beautiful as well, but and this is a big but ........get rid of the stock Sumiko BP2 that comes with it. It’s not up to par with the rest of the TT and brings it down a notch .
I fitted it with a Hana cartridge ........ their top of the line( I forget which one...... I’m writing this at 4:15 AM lol )
McIntosh was smart in outsourcing the MT5 to Clearaudio and thus the Partial re-badge TT is Made in Germany to McIntosh Specs/Querks. It’s one of the very few McIntosh products that is not made in the USA, but in this case it’s certainly a Plus! Clearaudio knows what they are doing when it comes to TT’s ...... you just gotta swallow their prices and accept it.
I loved the MT5 so much that I stayed in the family and upgraded to the McIntosh MT10
Do you have other McIntosh Gear? What’s your whole system?