Finally have my setup close to done so decided to start listening to something other than my uhqr KOB or Abraxas records for reference. Really enjoying the evolution over the past month with the SD. Even Sadie is noticing the improvements

Thanks to
@Ghost for hooking me up with the Opus. Besides the cart change, I’ve replaced my zphono usb with an UltraPhono (found for less than I can buy a new StudioPhono), new power cords for my amp and tt, new rca cables, and decided to run a splitter from the sub out of my amp to my pair of subs.
Every swap seemed to make an improvement. Although I can’t guarantee some of it isn’t placebo effect. I can say for certain that wiring my subs from the sub out instead of through my speaker outs to my speakers made a surprisingly huge impact. I’d always had my subs set up this way since I was running a vintage pioneer amp before so it was the only option I knew to use. Subs have come alive and the Cornwalls seem to sound better as well.
Stoked to be back spinning again. Thanks to the members of this community for their advice and tips over the last few months. It’s been such a help and so refreshing to interact with members who are about the sound and not the drama.
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