Agreed that he left the world-building on the cutting room floor largely, but I think this was a logical result of trying to avoid Lynch's error (quoting DF Wallace here,) "trying to provide plot exposition by having characters' thoughts audibilized on the soundtrack while the camera zooms in on the character making a thinking face", so a lot of the world-building has to be insinuated instead of explicitly stated. In the books this is usually either 3rd person omniscient exposition or character's inner dialogue or in this long expository dialogue that wouldn't really work well in a movie -- e.g. the banning of 'thinking machines' -- AI specifically and computers generally, thus the need for guild navigators and mentats and lack of over the top technological fancy gizmotronics with very minimal exceptions (Paul's video education reels, largely mechanical technology like the ornithopters. All this is handled in the background -- the duke asks 'how much did it cost' and Thufir Hawat's eyes go white as he does the math in his head; Reverend Mother meets Paul in a dusty library, only paper and wood visible in the scene. The other options are people talking at each other for like, minutes at a time, as in the book, or the closeup on thinking faces while they talk (again, for m i n u t e s) or lastly like, onscreen titlecards. "It's 10000 years in the future, the Butlerian Jihad was a war in which thinking machines were banned and replaced by the mentat order..."
I like Lynch's Dune, but I think this one is better visually -- not just in effects but
oh my god yes the effects are so much better. Casting in this one is better (although yes, no Sting. He was better in Baron Munchausen anyway). I enjoyed the Toto soundtrack but I think Zimmer's soundtrack blows it away. The sound design on this one was something I enjoyed so, so much. Pacing on this one is slow but not like 90s-tv-series glacial-slow. My biggest complaint is (much like
@Bull Shannon and
@nolalady ) lack of character development. Paul is fleshed out....and that's about it. Jessica, like, the tiniest bit? Everyone else is sort of background. Sometimes really
intense background, like Javier Bardem's Stilgar, because he just exudes tiredness and holy shit Jamis again with this will you just shut up plskthx, just by like, blinking slowly and exhaling. Everyone else is just sorta