N&G AOTM /// Vol. 60 - June 2024 /// U.N.K.L.E.'s "Psyence Fiction"

I'm going to hold off on clues for the next day or two to see what else people come up with...
Sorry if these are ridiculously hard.
In fact, I am willing to answer clarifying questions you may have.
1. Heavy Metal
Is brass considered "heavy?"

2. Weird Al Yankovic - "Twister"
I think this is a parody of Beastie Boys?

3. Tricky - "Hell Is Around The Corner," Massive Attack - "Eurochild"
Tricky = Crafty?

Beastie Boys - Licensed to Ill

While it would be tempting to look at the surface level of both of these and say "oh, they both feature Tricky," that actually is not the significance. Both of these songs use the same lyrical content, though the lyrics were recycled for one of the recordings.
The significance of this clue is that lyrics of one of the songs on the AoTM are blatantly and obviously borrowed from somewhere else.