N&G AOTM Year 3: General Thread & Archive

hey @gaporter

it is time for the new thread for the N&G AOTM Year 2 review.
if you've no time, I can create this myself1
I believe we have all the months fulfilled!
Just sayin' but everyone in this forum should have all the records picked by our members. So far I am only missing two : Tortoise because it seems I am cursed (as @Joe Mac is) and the last @Jan recently revealed. Amazing to see how good and different are all these records. Good job everyone, really.

Im missing 3 because of the Tortoise curse, because I haven’t picked up Jan’s either yet and because for some reason I just noticed that I completely forgot to pick up volume 19. I’ll put the last two right in the next month and one day the curse will be lifted!
RSR! It’s coming next week!

by the way, I just checked and year 1 review included volumes from 0 to 12 (13 months).
year 2 should have the from Vol 13 to Vol 24, leaving the latest Dota-Kaleko AOTM as the first for year 3.

and looking at the list of choices...
there's such a variety of genres, we surly are a very eclectic bunch!

by the way, I just checked and year 1 review included volumes from 0 to 12 (13 months).
year 2 should have the from Vol 13 to Vol 24, leaving the latest Dota-Kaleko AOTM as the first for year 3.

and looking at the list of choices...
there's such a variety of genres, we surly are a very eclectic bunch!

Yeah that’s exactly right, it’s 13 to 24 for year two and it’s definitely a fantastic mix of genres and styles! Bravo to all the year two pickers!

Just holding off to give everyone a proper chance to get and listen to volume 24 before the review plus thought it’d be fun to try to initiate a backward look at year one before we do the year two review!
Given the diversity of these 24 picks ...could someone who’s got most of them create some kind of a Spotify playlist and share ?

The 1st N & G sampler ? Maybe a track from each..just a thought
I’ve just posted the Year 2 Review Thread.

Have fun revisiting/discovering some amazing music!
