N&G Secret Santa - 2020

i kinda hope people DONT get me something from my wantlist because i think i might give my brother my wantlist so he can get something for me and im nervous i might get a dupe

NEVERMIND i realized i also have a bullmoose buy list that had more records that was just as much that can help... i'm still nervous about the idea of getting a dupe but thinking about it the chances are super hard on that
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dunno if i should go stay on the 50 dollar limit (since i save 10 dollars for other things like gifts for family and music), or go with my gut and do 60 bucks
I added some stuff to my Discogs wish list as it will give whoever gets me some ideas (that they donā€™t necessarily need to stick to). Will get me to lay off additional purchases until the Secret Santaā€™s are over.
Is it bad I keep remembering things on my wantlist? I hope my Santa isn't overwhelmed. I tried to take notes as best I could haha