Needles & Grooves AotM /// Vol. 12 - June 2020 /// Tortoise - TNT

Ouch! I thought it said on there that they ship from US or UK? Does that make any difference?
I just wrote to the UK rep to see if there's an option available for the Euro team (black will do is the fancy colored version is not available).

and by the way... it really sounds like we are zeroing on the correct guess!
wink wink!
I bought the TNT.

In doing some googling, I came across a Pitchfork revisit review. Here it is for your reading pleasure.

I bought the TNT.

In doing some googling, I came across a Pitchfork revisit review. Here it is for your reading pleasure.

i've bought it too.

Even if the pick is NOT Tortoise TNT, it is an album that should be in everyone's collection. It is such a beautiful and cool album.

My GF at the time drug me out one night in New Orleans to see Tortoise (for their TNT tour) at the Howlin' Wolf. I had zero idea who they were or what they sounded like. We walked into the venue. And there was a stage set up with 2 xylophones perpendicular to the stage - facing each other. And a big sheet hung behind the stage. What in the world was I in for? XYLOPHONES? I assure you, it was unlike any live show I've seen and just mind blowing. Graphics played on the sheet - like we were flying through the sky. It was a show to just get absolutely lost in. And I immediately bought TNT.

I've been so-so on their other albums. But TNT is an album I come back to A LOT.
Do you want to explain how you connect the clues to said album? Just curious.
Sure I can do my best to try and explain

Clue 2: Lisa and the boy sitting down lisa waving her hand at the sky line, the album cover of this album has a woman and a boy, while both their hands are up in the cover I kinda of went more with a boy and a girl both being present on the cover

Clue 3:

Clue 4: Not entirely sure

CLue 5: it's 90's

Clue 7: It's in his discogs

CLue 8: all the people are still around... doesnt mean the band is still active, but all the members are still alive so technically they are still around...
its probably tortoise and i really like it but i want to make sure before buying because i dont want to buy it and have the wrong album.... since that costs valuable dollars i need