Needles & Grooves AotM /// Vol. 12 - June 2020 /// Tortoise - TNT

Helooooooo again! Sorry I've been mildly quiet in here as of late. It's been a crazy week! I feel like I went from one extreme of vagueness to giving away way too much way too fast in my process of doling out clues and I apologize for that. I also wanted to note that I failed to deduce that the 25th is a holiday and I'm about to embark on a long weekend in the woods out of cell / wifi range sooooo BUY THAT TORTOISE UP!

This month's pick is the wonderful and meditative TNT by Tortoise!

I will work on a full write up of why I chose this album, but it may be early next week before I get it done.


PS- @WhiteDahlias - Congrats on being the first to guess correctly! Shoot me a message with your shipping info and I'll get a copy shipped off to you ASAP!
Hey there! I've been super buisy at work during the last couple of months, so unfortunately I haven't participated much in these threads. I just saw this month's pick was announced, so I decided to give it a try.

I'm not familiar with this band, but I'm really enjoying what I've heard so far! This album would have rocked my world if I had found it 10 years ago. Also, I'm really happy we have another instrumental pick a year after @Skalap's fantastic Vol. 0. I'll stream it during the weekend and decide whether I'll order the vinyl or wait, but odds are this will hit my shelf sooner rather than later. Thanks, @sjaygray!