Goatfish, can I get a list of albums I should check out next by Khemmis, please? I won’t do it right away because
Lateralus is currently streaming, but it would be greatly appreciated.
The most natural would be Khemmis - Desolation or their debut, Absolution. If you want more of a traditional heavy metal sound go with the former, if you want more doomy/fuzzed out sound go with the latter.
Elder - Reflections of a Floating World was very close to being my AOTM and I think it’s another modern, genre defying, must-own.
If you have already checked those out and want to venture out for more doom, try Pallbearer - Sorrow & Extinction or Heartless. Sorrow & Extinction is a slow, crushing, melancholic epically traditional doom album with lots of tasty layers and soaring vocals. Heartless is more on the proggy side, but def is a doom record first and foremost.
If you want to go back in time to some forefathers, check out Judas Priest - Defenders of the Faith, Iron Maiden - Number is the Beast or Powerslave. This is assuming you’re already familiar with Black Sabbath’s first 6. Those are canon.
If you want some MODERN traditional heavy metal, Visigoth - Revenant King is a straight up modern classic. The follow up Conqueror’s Oath is good, but not up to the same standard IMHO.
From this year, the new Spirit Adrift - Divided By Darkness is very good as well as Haunt - If Icarus Could Fly.
1. Khemmis - Desolation first
2a. Elder - Reflections of a Floating World
2b. Khemmis - Absolution
3. Visigoth - Revenant King
4. Pallbearer - Sorrow & Extinction
5. The rest