Needles & Grooves AoTM /// Vol. 3 - September 2019 /// Nicole Atkins - Goodnight, Rhonda Lee

I'm going to give another clue today. But first - a mountain time/west coaster gets to ask me a question, please and thank you.

And then that will be all the clues from me until Monday.*

*Maybe. This may or may not hold true. I change my mind a lot. I get impatient. I don't like surprises. Who put me in charge of picking an album and giving clues??? Mwa ha ha ha ha cough cough.
I don't even follow my own rules, do i??? I said I'd only give 2 clues yesterday.

No one else is here is appreciating this much from a critical perspective. Currently Kershaw SHOULD be headlining. Everyone at this is dressed in 80s cliche clothes whereas I am messaging a group of strangers ranting off.

On the positive: lots of (expensive) alcohol

Lots of toilets

Hadley awaits