I’ve thought about a music blog but I feel like it’s not in my nature to have a blog because I would say the most “uhhh what the fuck?!” kind of stuffDid you ever think about starting a music blog? I'm thinking the title should be "Nathan Ricaud Over Reacts" It would be the most entertaining music blog ever. No hedging bets or hiding behind subtle metaphors. No cold removed pointing out of genre influences, just raw uncut Nathan Ricaud opinions.
Raw and Uncut Nathan? Sign. Me. Up.
I’ve thought about a music blog but I feel like it’s not in my nature to have a blog because I would say the most “uhhh what the fuck?!” kind of stuff![]()
i dunno maybe that could be interestingWhen I see “Raw and Uncut” you can only imagine what I’m thinking about!![]()
I am loving all the discussion! LOVING IT! I'm so happy people are having different experiences with A Little Crazy. Cinematic is the PERFECT word for it. Would you all describe Nicole's voice as smokey? I'm trying to come up with a one or two word description of her voice and can't quite nail it.
And yes, @NathanRicaud , I can totally see that song being used in a serial killer movie. I'm down for a Nathan is THE MOST blog.
I am also excited to announce that Nicole has agreed to do an AMA!!!! We are still firming up the date. It will probably be the week of Sept 9 (she's headed to Sweden in a few days and will be there until around then. Do we have any members from Sweden? Member. Hehe). @agutierrezb has been gracious enough to allow the AMA to occur during his hint dropping month. I'll be sure to give everyone a few days notice and to get a thread started. If you can't join at the time Nicole chooses, I'll have the thread open a bit before so you can still submit questions. I think this could be a really great AMA based on all the discussions and emotions and ideas the album is eliciting from you all.
This really warms my heart, all. I've had a rough go of things lately and this thread and the music and all the discussion and laughs we have had in here has been so good for my soul. I squealed with glee when Nicole responded to me. This has been such a fun idea - for N&G to pick albums. Thank you to everyone that got it going, I'm not even sure who it all was - but I know @ChristoBee was key. Thank you for all your participation. Just thank you for being so great! (No, I'm not drunk or stoned, just happy).
Also, I keep telling people to watch the Listen Up video. It honestly did not even occur to me to just link it in here. SMH. Sometimes I confuse myself with how inane I can be. But here it is!
Hey, the clue @Teeeee gave was right!Still listening to this on Spotify.
Great album.
I am so happy to hear that not only do you like it, but so does your wife.I was hoping to.spin this record this weekend for my wife but I got that cool Amazon variant, so I just decided to.stream it last night while we were having some drinks. It was a slam dunk. She loved it.
This record gets better with every listen.
Thank you @Teeeee !
@RowBearToe - were you able to catch her set? If so, let us know how it was!
She does sound great live. Her voice is so confident. Bringing out the horns sounds awesome!Yes, I did catch her set and it was awesome! She sounds great live and was a lot of fun. She brought the horns from the Night Sweats out for two songs which was really cool and just added to the sound. I'm terrible at remembering setlists so I can't remember what the first song was, but I know the second was Sleepwalking because that's probably my favorite song on the album at this point, and both were lively and made you want to dance. I was hoping to catch her at the merch table so I went up there a couple times after her set but wasn't lucky enough to see her. It makes sense though because it was a huge venue with a shared merch area with Gary and Nathaniel so it was crazy up there all night. I picked up the record at the show and am excited to spin it when I get home tonight! The entire show was fantastic, it was a great night!
Edit: I actually printed the obi out and was going to try to get her to sign it for you and ship it to you, but alas, no lucksorry
You got one of her art prints!!!Beezos ain’t sending handwritten notes with that damn weird variant. (Although, they spell Glenn right.)
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