Needles & Grooves AotM /// Vol. 41 - November 2022 /// The Weakerthans - Reconstruction Site

Albums that could have been :: No. 3

The Burning Hell – Baby

As a fan of all things Matthias Kom/The Burning Hell I am always excited whenever he releases a new project, but I also come back to this one more than anything else. It is the perfect Burning Hell album from start to finish, packed heavily with Kom's clever conceits and sardonic wit and featuring a tastefully amount of guest appearances from a handful of other Southern Ontario weirdo musicians (Matthias was still based in Peterborough when this album was released and guests Jenny Omnichord and Wax Mannequin bring their beautiful weird to the proceedings from Guelph and Hamilton, respectively.) From the brilliant back and forth of duets like "The Things That People Make, Pt. 2" and "Everything Will Probably Be OK" to the sheer audacity of "The Berlin Conference" this album is a fun and funny ride that has real staying power.

I didn't choose this as AotM because, sadly, the vinyl is sold out.
Albums that could have been :: No. 3

The Burning Hell – Baby

As a fan of all things Matthias Kom/The Burning Hell I am always excited whenever he releases a new project, but I also come back to this one more than anything else. It is the perfect Burning Hell album from start to finish, packed heavily with Kom's clever conceits and sardonic wit and featuring a tastefully amount of guest appearances from a handful of other Southern Ontario weirdo musicians (Matthias was still based in Peterborough when this album was released and guests Jenny Omnichord and Wax Mannequin bring their beautiful weird to the proceedings from Guelph and Hamilton, respectively.) From the brilliant back and forth of duets like "The Things That People Make, Pt. 2" and "Everything Will Probably Be OK" to the sheer audacity of "The Berlin Conference" this album is a fun and funny ride that has real staying power.

I didn't choose this as AotM because, sadly, the vinyl is sold out.

I did not know about this and enjoy this a lot. Thank you for introducing me the burning hell
Something an explorer could wear

"Thank you for the flowers and the book by Derrida, but I must be getting back to dear Antarctica "
- Our Retired Explorer (Dines with Michel Foucault in Paris, 1961)

So my guess is The Weakerthans- Reconstruction Site
It would be an interesting reversal since Derrida is most known for Deconstruction. Sloterdijk claims that Derrida is the only immortal philosopher, because Deconstruction must be done on every philosophy anew, making it a philosophical method more then anything else and leaving Derrida open to accusations that it could not be applied politically because it could not be used to rebuild anything out of the philosophical rubble left in its wake. Not sure where this would point me musically except for some very esoteric music that I don't think has ever made it to vinyl.... But writing as a form of thinking difference might help 😶
Something an explorer could wear

"Thank you for the flowers and the book by Derrida, but I must be getting back to dear Antarctica "
- Our Retired Explorer (Dines with Michel Foucault in Paris, 1961)

So my guess is The Weakerthans- Reconstruction Site

I was in too much of a Gravol coma last night to give this the response it deserves, so here we go hours later...

I'd really hoped to make it more than 3 days into the month before somebody guessed the album, which is why the first five clues I had in mind were specifically toward lyrics on the album before expanding into the broader series of clues - although the first clue turned out to have a trio of possible directions, which was a bonus.

Mild disappointment aside here, congrats @Jan for getting so far with so little! Hit me up with your deets so I can get a copy to you. If you already have a copy of this one, I've got a related something else in mind to send your way.

Write-up and stuff coming later today or later this week. With a dump of remaining clues to follow shortly after this message.

Well done!
Ah got it... trying to decide if an order might be better with the exchange and shipping, and I think it is.

Yeah, VFL's shipping is a better deal the more you buy, but on a one-and-done can be a bit steep on the international tip.
I just spend an absurd amount of time digging through all the stock to find other sweet deals when I want to order which has me spending more, of course but waters down the shipping. And there are some damn sweet deals to be found around there...