Panera Ciabatta Diapers
Well-Known Diaper Baby
Iggy Pop Lust for Life
Mom & Pop record label seems like a fit!
Mom & Pop record label seems like a fit!
Lead singer Alex Kandel was on The Voice in 2015 and worked with Gwen.Gonna do 2 clues to start this running strong!
Clue #2
The lead singer was on Team Gwen on The VoiceHow about the rest of the clues (you can still ignore Gwen but bonus points if you get that connection)
Beat me to it!Lead singer Alex Kandel was on The Voice in 2015 and worked with Gwen.
I was hoping to get further then page to but I’m glad @avecigrec and @Hemotep were able to crack all the clues! Yea the next album of the month is in fact Sleeper Agent’s “About Last Night”! I’ll be doing a full write up when I’m sober but I’m also very excited to announce that the lead singer Alex will be doing an AMA!!
Since @avecigrec since you figured it out first I will award you with a copy of the album!