Neil Young

Forgive the possibly naïve question, but does anyone know if/how Neil generally represses stuff? He's got a Canadian shop, which is rare and I'm thankful for, but it doesn't have much stock. I was thinking of spending $100+ on the American site and hoping they mail via USPS and not a courier, and picking up some of my Neil essentials, but Zuma's one of them and it's out of stock now. (Also hoping to pick up everything from the self-titled through Zuma eventually.) Those RSD boxes are a bit much for me but I'm out of the loop with regard to if those are the only time we'll see some of those records.
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FYI, Way Down in the Rustbucket (album + film) are now streaming on NYA (for subscribers)

Watching the film right now and....holy hell, I just love this era of Neil + Crazy Horse.
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