Neil Young

Damn these prices are dear ($230 for GA Floor, ~$120 for GA lawn; I opted for a $150 reserved seat), but damned if I'm not hurting from him dropping out last year. Saw him at the same venue in Bend in '23, I'm sure it'll be worth it, though I'd rather be seeing the Horse.
Pit/floor here were disgusting too. Lawns were about $75 (the lawn looks significantly closer at your amphitheatre). Since I figured this will likely be the one and only time I see him, sprung for a seat in the front row of a rear section for about $130.
Coastal film showing in theaters worldwide on April 17th. Just grabbed tickets to see it at one of our indie theaters in Portland.
Take a journey with maverick musician Neil Young in this personal, behind-the-scenes doc as he cruises the coast on his recent solo tour. Directed by acclaimed filmmaker and Young's wife, Daryl Hannah, 'Coastal' offers a glimpse behind the curtain of this unguarded iconoclast, as he navigates a return to the stage post-Covid – from his everyday observations on the bus to his candid, wry banter with his audience. The illuminating film also features songs rarely, if ever played live, performed in breathtakingly beautiful theaters.