oh...the whole "I'm not a sheep" while blindly following random crap they read on Facebook.
I'll tell you what, you do you and I'll do me. I certainly will never get this experimental drug put in me, as long as we know WE WILL NEVER GET OUR LIVES BACK. Fuck all your virtue signaling wearing you filthy disgusting germ filled face diapers and pretending they make a difference. I fell bad the virus affected you so badly, but I've been laid up for a week before with the flue, and we didn't have vaccine and mask mandates then so why now?????? Answer = government controle over every aspect of our lives. You want to comply? Have at it, but I'll be damned if me or my HEALTHY kids will get the JAB THAT DONT REALLY WORK.
That's this type of person getting all lathered up with my post that they just can't express their opinion fast enough or loud enough. I feel so bad that he had to deal with the flu for a whole week.............Oof... that response. Doesn't, like... every device have spell check built into these days? I mean, be ignorant and misinformed all day, but at least spell things properly...
If nothing else, they're always offering up some head scratching commentary thinking they're being all smart. Another graduate of the Tucker Carlson school of reporting. Read this and just let it sink in a bit. Yes, that's a damn good question Candace............so we should have Medicare for all?? LOL
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If nothing else, they're always offering up some head scratching commentary thinking they're being all smart. Another graduate of the Tucker Carlson school of reporting. Read this and just let it sink in a bit. Yes, that's a damn good question Candace............so we should have Medicare for all?? LOL
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I think that most of our Covid issues can be boiled down to a complete lack of leadership. The CDC should have taken the reins from the beginning, but since the pandemic office was dissolved 2 years before the pandemic, this is just a pipe dream. We have no coherent national strategy which is part of why we're bungling this up so bad.At my son’s school...just some simple questions parent can fudge and the follow up is inconsistent from the school if you don’t complete them. No cases so far at his school that we know of, but one other district has 74 students out on quarantine. It’s a complete lack of leadership that they aren’t willing to make a tough decision to have the students and staff tested. The school boards declined the money being offered to support testing. I’m worried to with the recall in CA that the new governor will roll back all the protections and we will turn in to Florida. I seriously think that voting no on the recall will save lives.
I think that most of our Covid issues can be boiled down to a complete lack of leadership. The CDC should have taken the reins from the beginning, but since the pandemic office was dissolved 2 years before the pandemic, this is just a pipe dream. We have no coherent national strategy which is part of why we're bungling this up so bad.
Georgia's governor signs order letting businesses ignore local Covid-19 rules | CNN
Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp signed an executive order Thursday allowing businesses to disregard local rules regarding Covid-19 -- a move decried by Democrats, as coronavirus cases in the state rise.www.cnn.com
Yeah, my wife just started back teaching 6th graders and the county is trying to defy the anti-mask mandate law but I'm not sure they really can. It is a mess. At least our county has a higher than average vaccination rate than most of SC I guess.SC too is apparently falling in line behind Florida and Texas.
The mandate of having a vaccination or showing proof of a negative test result every 72 hours that our global holding company issued yesterday is also apparently illegal under the executive order SC's governor signed. We have a office location in SC, and they are being told "we need to figure this out, like you we have questions. We don't have answers yet. Until we do just continue along with wearing a mask when in the office when walking around or within 6 feet of other people.".
From what I read, some school districts in Texas are making the masks part of the dress code. Nice little loophole.Yeah, my wife just started back teaching 6th graders and the county is trying to defy the anti-mask mandate law but I'm not sure they really can. It is a mess. At least our county has a higher than average vaccination rate than most of SC I guess.