US has a "very serious" problem with Covid-19 vaccine uptake | CNN
The United States has a "very serious" problem with Covid-19 vaccination uptake, a top health official has warned.
Of the developed world / rich nations, the United States has one of the lowest the lowest vaccination rates.
Europe averages at 62.6% of its population being fully vaccinated and having at least 1 booster, the UK is at 69.6%. The United States is suck at 48.7% and those seeking their booster 1st booster has pretty much come to a stop.
People in the United States just don't want to get the vaccination. Whether it's because it's been politicized, they don't trust the government or believe in conspiracy theories people just are not getting a vaccine that could potentially save their life.
The CDC is now saying that the we have a serious problem in the United States when it comes to getting people vaccinated. This could result in more waves of covid, mutations and so on.