Start homeschooling the kids tomorrow... that should be fun...
I don't want a test to see if I have it or not. I want as many people as possible tested so we can actually get a true picture of where it is and how it is spreading, so that officials can make educated decisions. As some have pointed out though, it is too late in the major outbreak areas and the shortage of available PPE does make sense to prioritize testing as you said. The problem is, even people with symptoms are having trouble getting tested. The only people who don't seem to be having a hard time getting tested are celebrities and politicians, even asymptomatic ones.I don’t quite understand why everyone wants to rush to test. I could test negative today and have an exposure tomorrow. Testing the symptomatic or those at high risk makes sense.
I don’t quite understand why everyone wants to rush to test. I could test negative today and have an exposure tomorrow. Testing the symptomatic or those at high risk makes sense.
I don’t quite understand why everyone wants to rush to test. I could test negative today and have an exposure tomorrow. Testing the symptomatic or those at high risk makes sense.
I don’t think it would. Honestly, we live in the news is fake world and people don’t trust anything. I got a call from my dad today (he’s almost 70 and my mom is a diabetic with a wound that won’t heal after 7 years).... he said they were driving around and wanted to swing by the house to visit with us. Fortunately I was at work, because I really don’t want them getting sick on my conscience because I’m at high risk for exposure because I work in a hospital. The posts about Ohio is what’s wrong here and the Orange clown in office getting on television everyday and saying stupid shit. Test data isn’t going to show us anything that we don’t already know, it’s spreads most rapidly in highly populated areas because we can’t be bothered to listen to what everyone is telling us. Stay six feet away from people. If you’re sick, stay home. Stop touching everything and wash your damn hands.I don't want a test to see if I have it or not. I want as many people as possible tested so we can actually get a true picture of where it is and how it is spreading, so that officials can make educated decisions. As some have pointed out though, it is too late in the major outbreak areas and the shortage of available PPE does make sense to prioritize testing as you said. The problem is, even people with symptoms are having trouble getting tested. The only people who don't seem to be having a hard time getting tested are celebrities and politicians, even asymptomatic ones.
Ideally we could test everyone and that data would be valuable. I just don't see how it is possible soon. If we had ramped up testing when we should have I want to think things would be very different.
Yes.If you have symptoms you should be tested immediately. If you think you have it, but don't and self isolate and then go back into the public you risk catching it for real and spreading it around everywhere because you think you're now immune.
Dude you gotta meditate or something.
This is the best. All Mayors should do this now.
You need to test, test and retest and do intensive tracing and serious case isolation. That's how South Korea flattened a massively spiking curve. It's the only way to avoid massive deaths without a vaccine or therapeutics. And the only way to be able to eventually relax the social isolation measures and get back to work.
Note that the real key test will be the antibody test. One was developed this week. This way we can find out who is already immune (since it seems that many may have had this and have no idea) - those people become invaluable because they can go out safely.
Or you can wait until august when about 100,000 - 1,000,000 people have died in your country alone. Not exaggerating here. Locking down for 1-3 months and then opening things up only delays things.