Neverending Covid-19 Coronavirus

GA Governor issued a Shelter in Place for at risk people. I mean... Note really sure how that's any different, that what we've been doing. Are they going to stop everyone, ask their age and medical history? Come on.

GA Gov. Brian Kemp orders 'shelter-in-place' for those who have increased risk of catching COVID-19

Everyone is "at risk" of catching it. Elderly are more at risk of dying from it.

Hell....a 27 year-old co-worker with a past history of asthma tested positive last night and is in the ICU.

President Donald Trump signaled Monday he is aware things may get worse before they get better as the country battles the coronavirus pandemic. But nonetheless he is itching to ease federal guidelines that have shuttered businesses and kept workers at home, insisting the economy must be reopened even if some of the health professionals on his team appear to disagree.

"Our country wasn't built to be shut down. This is not a country that was built for this. It was not built to be shut down," he said during an evening briefing at the White House, even as he acknowledged Monday the effects of coronavirus are likely to worsen.
"Certainly, this is going to be bad," Trump said.

In a memo to Hobby Lobby store managers obtained by Business Insider, the company&apos;s vice president of operations wrote that sick workers would be required to use personal paid time off and vacation pay or take an &quot;unpaid leave of absence until further notice.&quot;&#xA0;</li><li>In the case of a mandated store closure, Hobby Lobby will offer emergency pay only after paid time off and vacation days have been depleted, and then offer 75% of the regular rate of pay based on an average of shifts from the previous six weeks.</li><li>&quot;The district manager has said that our stores will remain open until the National Guard comes in and physically shuts the buildings down,&quot; a Hobby Lobby manager told Business Insider.&#xA0;</li><li><a href="Business Insider" data-analytics-module="summary_bullets">Visit Business Insider&apos;s homepage for more stories</a>.
Hobby Lobby is not only&#xA0;<a href="Hobby Lobby founder reportedly told employees a message from God informed his decision to leave stores open amid the coronavirus outbreak" data-analytics-module="body_link">fighting to keep stores open</a> as the coronavirus spreads across the US but also refusing to give its employees immediate paid sick leave if they become ill.</p><p>In a memo sent to store managers on March 23 that was obtained by Business Insider, Randy Betts, Hobby Lobby&apos;s vice president of store operations, wrote that the company &quot;is going to make every effort to continue working the employees.&quot; In cases of illness, Betts wrote that sick workers would be required to use personal paid time off and vacation pay or take an &quot;unpaid leave of absence until further notice.&quot;&#xA0;</p><p>&quot;Employees on unpaid leave are encouraged to contact their local unemployment offices to determine whether they are eligible for unemployment benefits,&quot; Betts wrote in the memo.&#xA0;</p><p>According to the memo, if a store is required to close because of a state or federal mandate, employees will first be required to use &quot;all available paid time off benefits.&quot; After those resources are depleted, workers will be eligible for &quot;emergency pay&quot; that is 75% of their regular rate of pay, and the payments will be made not based on scheduled shifts, but rather &quot;on the average hours during the previous six weeks.&quot;</p><p>A Hobby Lobby district manager, who spoke on condition of anonymity to protect his job and whose employment status was confirmed by Business Insider, wrote in an email that he felt &quot;very anxious about this whole situation.&quot;&#xA0;
Everyone is "at risk" of catching it. Elderly are more at risk of dying from it.

Hell....a 27 year-old co-worker with a past history of asthma tested positive last night and is in the ICU.
I get that, I'm just saying I don't really understand what they can enforce. I'd love it if everyone just stayed home, but this half-assed measure of saying "Well, Old and sick people, maybe you guys should REALLY stay home" is just that, half-assed.