Neverending Covid-19 Coronavirus

Trump is saying Gov Cuomo back in 2015 refused to purchase 15,000 ventilators to prepare for a pandemic. Establish death panels and lotteries instead.

It's his own fault for the situation he is in. The federal government is more for him than anyone else, we are building him hospitals, sending him a medial ship.
Trump is saying Gov Cuomo back in 2015 refused to purchase 15,000 ventilators to prepare for a pandemic. Establish death panels and lotteries instead.

It's his own fault for the situation he is in. The federal government is more for him than anyone else, we are building him hospitals, sending him a medial ship.

All his actions just shows how jealous he is of Cuomo. He hates that Cuomo is getting so much air time.
I’m concerned that Trump is going to dismiss the advice of doctors and scientists and say it’s business as usual and that the Trumpanzees will follow his lead.
Does Trump not get that he's putting a large number of his core voters at risk?

He's such an ass hat.

THIS!! We can go back to work and school and all, then we will see a spike in infections and the health systems will be overwhelmed. Look at what is happening in Hong Kong. They thought everything was okay too. And these numbers coming out of China have to be fabricated. There is no way that they have zero new infections. This is the crap that Trump is seeing, fabricated numbers from China, and thinks we should either: A)do what China is doing because he actually believes that they have no new infections or B) knows that the Chinese numbers are fabricated but figures there is such a thing as acceptable losses.
Does Trump not get that he's putting a large number of his core voters at risk?

He's such an ass hat.

THIS!! We can go back to work and school and all, then we will see a spike in infections and the health systems will be overwhelmed. Look at what is happening in Hong Kong. They thought everything was okay too. And these numbers coming out of China have to be fabricated. There is no way that they have zero new infections. This is the crap that Trump is seeing, fabricated numbers from China, and thinks we should either: A)do what China is doing because he actually believes that they have no new infections or B) knows that the Chinese numbers are fabricated but figures there is such a thing as acceptable losses.
Agree with you except that we still haven't tried to lock down anywhere near as hard as China did. So even if their numbers are true, there's no reason to expect to follow their trend.
We have an information here that 600 people died in the USA due to Coronavirus, most of them from New York area, and 50 000 people are contaminated (third country after China and Italy with the largest number of contaminated).

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Our country doesn’t suck but our Covidiot in charge sure does.
Oh, I know, that was tongue in cheek to an extent. I just can't believe that the same people who regularly say USA is the best country in the world are going to lap up "our country wasn't built for this, we can't do what's necessary to keep millions from dying because crashing the economy is far worse."
So 1 positive and 4 pending tests on my floor last night.

Short on masks and gowns.

One patient that is pending result has been on our floor for a week before having any symptoms (admitted for unrelated diagnosis)....he wasn't on any isolation precautions before yesterday.

That's at least 10 staff possibly exposed.

A coworker’s mother in law is a nurse at a local hospital. She turned in her resignation today because the hospital where she works is under reporting cases by 95%.
We absolutely should do this. The democrats aren't even going that far in their requirements for edits to the senate bill and are being told no.

Just a small correction that schools are not officially finished for the year everywhere. That's a provincial jurisdiction (so far - unless the federal invokes emergency measures). I think British Columbia and Alberta have decided that. Most of the other provinces have closed schools until May but have said it's a minimum. I'm pretty sure we're closed for the year though. But yeah, we've already made the calls to defer mortgages and various other payments like hydro without penalty.

The other stuff is federal and is available to everyone as a supplement to their EI or if they cannot get EI.
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