The NHL concluded its investigation into gambling allegations against
Evander Kane and found no evidence the
San Jose Sharks forward wagered on any games.
"The investigation uncovered no evidence to corroborate Ms. Kane’s accusations that Mr. Kane bet or otherwise participated in gambling on NHL games, and no evidence to corroborate the allegations that Mr. Kane 'threw' games or did not put forward his best effort to help the Sharks win games," the league
announced Wednesday. "To the contrary, the evidence raises doubts about the veracity of the allegations."
Kane's wife, Anna, alleged online in July that he gambled and threw his own games as a result of deep gambling debts. Kane denied the claims at the time but did recently
admit his gambling addiction led him to file for bankruptcy earlier this year.
While the NHL considers the gambling case closed, the league announced it will be investigating additional unrelated allegations against Kane involving potential wrongdoing. The league provided no additional comments on the matter.
Kane, 30, is under contract with the Sharks for four more years. He led the club in scoring with 49 points in 56 games last season. However,
reports surfaced this offseason that San Jose tried to trade the winger and several teammates don't want him back with the team.