NHL Thread Because There Isn't An NHL Thread

Kinda want a Kraken x Panthers final. Love a good ol underdogs story.

maybe the Leafs will only have an 18yr 2nd round drought 😂
I really hope Ryan Reynolds and group end up being the new owners for the Sens.
He’s a really great guy. Funny. Handsome. Passionate about Wrexham. Family guy.
Positive thoughts going out there.

I just binge-watched the first season of Welcome To Wrexham and it was an absolute delight. Can't wait for season 2 to see how they actually made it to League Two.
I knew those a holes would win the draft lottery. Looking forward to seeing Bedard four times a season. Thankfully Chicago doesn’t have much else at the moment.

I, for one, am very happy that if he's not going to the correct original 6 team, he's at least going to the western conference.
I just binge-watched the first season of Welcome To Wrexham and it was an absolute delight. Can't wait for season 2 to see how they actually made it to League Two.

I know they’re being filmed, but i feel like those two genuinely care. I also feel that there’s a level of passion within the football community that I don’t see with the other sports. Hopefully their promotion train keeps rolling!