5 played for Pitt
5 played for Pitt
My wife was so confused by that. She hates sports, so it slightly hurt her heart.Remember when he went through his hockey jersey wardrobe phase?
I know the 2 teams playing were a factor, but the fact that your championship series is being aired on TNT and TRUETV is a joke. If the league truly depends on any amount of revenue from the ratings, then Commissioner Doofus should be sacked immediately. Or are ratings even important anymore?
Last Saturday, I believe it was game 3, I opened my stupid ass ESPN app and on the Home Screen the first headline showed the Champions League(rightfully so) banner. Then I scrolled up and it was College Baseball. Then regular ass baseball. Then the NBA finals. Then something else and then FINALLY the banner for Game 3 of the Stanley Cup Finals. It’s pathetic.
I don’t know if the league counts world wide viewership or if the percentage is only from the US. I’d love to see what the ratings were upstairs.
Even before then they were terrible about it. I used to get the streaming package, but then they started blacking out games that weren't sold out and most Red Wings home games unless they were playing on the West Coast. Made no sense and had me turning to "free" streams just to watch. I got so fed up a few years ago that I stopped watching most regular season games. NHL was the only sport I watched most of my teams games and they were so shitty to the fans that they lost me. I check box scores online now and that's about it.The ESPN deal was terrible. Zero effort. At least Versus-turned-NBCSN was putting some effort in and acting like the have a shit. 43% is brutal. And that’s on top of overall NHL viewership being down 20-some-odd percent.