No Buy/Spin Yr Collection Challenge - July 2022


Boards of Canada - Music has the Right to Children


Ahead of the curve. Specifically, my #2 all time.
From the opening synthesizer in "Wildfire Analysis," Mike Sandison and Marcus Eoin transport the listener to a mysterious, alien's akin to that of a foreign radio transmission. The electronics and production on display here seems impossible to believe it was conceived in the late 90s. There is an uncanny beauty about this album underpinned by a subtle feeling of something dark and foreboding lurking on the periphery of its crunching beats and jarring waves of ambient noise. It can capture your attention throughout just as easily as being a phenomenal background listen. The music overall is soothing and yet unnerving, and you lose yourself in it in a way that is almost hallucinatory. The music is not necessarily dark, but in a way meditative and gloomy, poetic and clever, with uplifting and bright edges throughout. Boards of Canada condensed the feeling of nostalgia and made it into audible form. It has been a gateway for me enjoying ambient music of varying styles and has led to my tastes as they are today.

John Coltrane - My Favorite Things


First spin (acquired this past May from a friendly user here on an Amazon deal). One of my top50 all time, and would remain in a revised list...or would it? Alice isn't on there. Too much pondering in my head.
This latest reissue with the mono mix is top-shelf. I've never heard this album sound so detailed before.
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