Day 13: World Kindness Day
Play an album from an artist known for their kindness/generosity. Bonus points if they've been kind to you personally.
The White Stripes - De Stijl
I'll admit. I haven't always been the biggest fan of Jack White. As a teenager and 20-something around Detroit it was hard to avoid The White Stripes when they started hitting the radio. Having hung around mostly in the local Punk and Indie Rock scene, it was also really uncool to like anything on the radio or anyone who made something of themselves. So, for a long time I only new a couple White Stripes songs that were played EVERYWHERE and that Jack White got in a fight with the dude who found a house for us to rent in Ypsilanti. Then, he went and moved to Nashville and it was like "Fuuuuuuuuck Jack White" until my mid-30's. That's when I started noticing headlines like "Jack White donated $100,000 to rehab Clark Park" or "Jack White auctions off this and that for Detroit Charity" or "Jack White pays off past-due taxes to keep Masonic Temple open". As I became more of a socially conscious person I noticed the more charitable and socially conscious things people did. So, I decided to give this guy and this band a chance. They're pretty good, huh?
I mean, he's still kind of a tool who runs off at the mouth and thinks he invented the Garage Rock sound, even though bands like The Sonics were doing it before he was born, but he's a charitable tool and, in the end, his contributions are going to far outweigh the dumb takes he had on the Black Keys, his ex-wife, or Jason from Cobra Youth.
Also, should have let Masonic Temple rot. I hate that venue. 3 bathrooms with 1 urinal and 1 toilet each (on different floors and sides of the building) is criminal when people are at a rock show.
I really wanna be your friend cuz I really don't know anyone
Day 14: Every Other Day Is A-hole Day?
If there's a special kindness day, I guess that means every other day is asshole day. Play something from a noted asshole. Bonus points if they've been an asshole to you personally
Guns N' Roses - Use Your Illusion I
He has started riots. He has skipped out on shows. He has punched and spit on fans. He has punched and spit on girlfriends. He has written and sang One In A Million. Axle Rose. All around asshole. But, man are these albums fucking great.
Go and throw me to the lions and the whole damn screaming bunch
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