Online Vinyl Deals

Good deal for a nice package. I grabbed it at this price a couple of weeks ago. Haven't had a chance to listen to all of it (holiday activity), but the included booklet is beautiful.
Yeah, he wrote some great words about himself in that booklet. This line in particular I found memorable:

I learned from the mistletoe to keep watch overhead so as to avoid the dangling modifier of accidental affection.
Well, Oldies finally charged something to my AMEX. My guess is that they are trying to close out the fiscal year and ship. If my rudimentary understanding of accounting is correct, they couldn’t record orders as revenue without actually shipping something before 12/31 (if that is their fiscal, who knows?) so maybe keep an eye out if you still have anything pending

Caveat: this is the first sign of any activity that I’ve had from then since I placed an order oh so long ago :)
Well, Oldies finally charged something to my AMEX. My guess is that they are trying to close out the fiscal year and ship. If my rudimentary understanding of accounting is correct, they couldn’t record orders as revenue without actually shipping something before 12/31 (if that is their fiscal, who knows?) so maybe keep an eye out if you still have anything pending

Caveat: this is the first sign of any activity that I’ve had from then since I placed an order oh so long ago :)
My Oldies update - I've now had to call them a second time to get a PayPal refund for the remaining credit. The lady yawned in my ear when I asked about how long it typically takes to show up. If it does not appear in a week, then a case will be filed. I will not be doing business with them again. Was fun to get some records for dirt cheap, but not worth any back end effort whatosever.
My Oldies update - I've now had to call them a second time to get a PayPal refund for the remaining credit. The lady yawned in my ear when I asked about how long it typically takes to show up. If it does not appear in a week, then a case will be filed. I will not be doing business with them again. Was fun to get some records for dirt cheap, but not worth any back end effort whatosever.

Don't even wait. Open the case with PayPal.
They didn't even respond to mine and I got my money back by default (including a fair amount of the shipping charge).
Anyone have any movement from the rhino sales yet? I haven’t from my zeppelin purchases
They are quite possibly the slowest shipping out of any retailer I’ve ever ordered from. Last order (not even from a sale) took nearly 3 months to ship and everything was in stock
I forgot the name of the other place (the one where they sold crummy mystery boxes for like $6 bucks a pop and a bunch of people never got the ones they had ordered) but I bet they are happy that Oldies came along to redirect the collective ire of this thread.
crateism. besides us nuttos, completely different customer base. Not sure how much it diverted from them...
If we are doing updates... I finally got word back from LITA about the warped record and since they couldn't hear any audio problems I guess I'm stuck with the record. The record sounds fine but I don't like watching my stylus travel a 1/4 inch vertically when I'm playing it. I know other people had issues with warps from the last LITA sale (also in another forum) so I guess buyer beware of their sales. Sucks because they have always done right by me in the past.