Online Vinyl Deals

Interestingly, UDiscover and Sound of Vinyl have changed their rewards program so you can stack coupon codes + rewards. I guess complaining about it DOES help!
This is good news, especially if the site runs another 25% off or better sitewide sale again soon. But if I'm reading it right, this now allows you to stack one coupon code + points, not like a year or so ago when you could stack multiple % off codes?
This is good news, especially if the site runs another 25% off or better sitewide sale again soon. But if I'm reading it right, this now allows you to stack one coupon code + points, not like a year or so ago when you could stack multiple % off codes?
yea--they are not letting you stack coupon codes. but lately, they would let you redeem your points and that would generate a code, but then you couldn't also use a promo code. now they will let you redeem your points and use a coupon code in the same order.
Last time I looked up a set they were into 60s, so it wouldn't surprise me, but check with our Brian Eno meal planner representative, @Corycm
I’m actually a big fan. I got introduced to them in college by another designer friend of mine. Even though they were intended for audio/production I use them a lot in my UX/UI/general design processes.