Online Vinyl Deals

i might do that if DD doesn't send a replacement. it was a $16 box set i took a shot on. by the time i mail it to someone and back, might not be worth the money for me! i got it mostly for the bargain.
Eh, you are already in for $16 for some unplayable records its worth $10 in shipping to get a playable copy (if they won’t replace it). At least it is by my calculation, I guess you could PIF it too.
Nice thing with that UDiscover sale, and hopefully this is going forward too, is that you can choose shipping that ships as items are available for free also.
Yeah, I was surprised by that since the dollar amounts they're showing for that are high!
Finally open my Shoals... Dish warp so bad I could eat cereal outta this thing.
Mine arrived today, also victim to dish-warp, but it's not exactly even across the entire records so there's the slightly wavy kind of warp as well. It's all mild enough that for one side of each record (the "upside-down dish" side), my record clamp could push down the middle and (mostly) flatten it out. But the other sides will give my tonearm a good ride, so I'll be looking into a return. Nice box and good looking vinyl, but I guess that doesn't count for much if it can't be played.