Phono Cartridges - Your favorites and least favorites?

Since the search function hates three letter words, I'll toss this question in here: Does anyone have experience with the Dynavactor xx-2? Any of the variants are of interest. xx-2, xx-2 mkii, xx-2a
I’ve always found it funny, because it says it ain’t searching for that shit but then does it anyhow:
LP60... honestly it's probably fine. I'd imagine these only exist for people having accidents with the stylus. If someone actually ran through a diamond on one of those, I'd imagine most of the other parts of the unit are already beyond repair.
I mean a stylus still wears out and should be replaced. The lp60 has its problems but my daughter is still using mine ten years later.

@Hemotep lpgear actually sold one that would be an upgrade. Let me see if I can find it for you.
This is amazing. I would have assumed all the automated lift parts and belt would be totally shot after like 3 years.
It still works fine for her. 🤷‍♀️

I don’t think she stresses it like we stress our equipment though. I gave her a new stylus when I gave it to her, no idea if she has replaced it but she knows she should at ~500 hours or so if I recall correctly.
I mean a stylus still wears out and should be replaced. The lp60 has its problems but my daughter is still using mine ten years later.

@Hemotep lpgear actually sold one that would be an upgrade. Let me see if I can find it for you.
My LP60 has been in a box for years, but that lpgear stylus for it is better than the AT version. No one could tell if this guy's post was joking or serious. I felt kinda bad if they were taking the piss and it was a serious question. That's why I put it here so that we could laugh at it without his knowledge. Because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings but I'm not a good enough person to not find this a little funny.
My LP60 has been in a box for years, but that lpgear stylus for it is better than the AT version. No one could tell if this guy's post was joking or serious. I felt kinda bad if they were taking the piss and it was a serious question. That's why I put it here so that we could laugh at it without his knowledge. Because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings but I'm not a good enough person to not find this a little funny.
I didn’t realize it was a screen shot and thought you were in a @Mather type “I know a guy who hates Google” situation.
I pulled the trigger on getting an older 10x5 that needs re-tipping. Will ship to VAS to put a line contact stylus on it.

I have not used a HOMC before and I've been curious about this one on the Traveler since I purchased the table. My Hana SL is getting long in the tooth, so this one will move ahead in the re-tipping line.
@Mnpctech - I saw you posted a photo in the "What's Spinning" thread with a VPI Scout and a Dynavector 10x5. Is this your table? If so, how do you like the 10x5? I just got mine to re-tip last week, so I'm trying to determine how soon I'll pull the trigger.