Political Discussion

That's my question. If he won't accept that he lost, who is going to remove him from the White House?
Someone ITT mentioned that the press would focus on the prospective new cabinet choices and forget 45, and I think they're right; it's not that the army will need to march him out, it's that the press will stop giving a shit and he'll simply fade away.

Okay, maybe it won't be that simple, but I think the last couple days have proven there's a strong enough contingent of people who do want to move on that many of us are going to move forward with the transition of power. Like they'll be repainting the Oval Office around him, replacing paintings as if he isn't even in the room. I'm picturing two moving guys picking up his chair as if he isn't still in it.
why is georgia so slow, i want it to just end and say "hey we got a biden lead now" and i can be so happy instead of super stressed