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Swamp Dogg
In 1970 the Southern soul music maverick Jerry Williams, Jr. made the most radical move of his career. Frustrated with music business politics Williams reinvented himself as Swamp Dogg, an irreverent anti-hero smashing the conventions of commercial R&B
this one is interestingFor anyone not indoctrinated, SWANS do a demo CD as fundraiser for each album cycle, hand made by Gira. Already went for the $100 “You get listed as an Executive Producer in the studio album's notes + a CD or LP of the finished album upon completion” option. So that's exiting.
Is There Really A Mind? (Handmade CD) - (New Album Fundraiser & Pre-Order) - SOLD OUT
YGX9969 Swans: Is There Really A Mind? Is There Really A Mind? Starts shipping early Feb 2022.Recording of the new album starts April 2022.Preorders for the new album ship separately when released in 2023. Handmade Limited Edition CD Fundraiser with more options Signed by M.Gira and numbered (
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this one is interesting
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so he's going to sing the name of 80 people in a song? why would you want that?
Supposedly Muddy Waters is in print now and will be the next one released after Tapestry as a heads up hahaJust reminded me I've had a One-Step Muddy Waters technically pre-ordered for like a year now. I'm sure that charge will hit at the worst possible time.
Supposedly Muddy Waters is in print now and will be the next one released after Tapestry as a heads up haha
With “uncertainty” still being the guiding principle most of us are living under, it’s good to take the joy where you can find it. That said, we’re delighted to finally be releasing the LP (in stages) starting this Friday. To ensure that physical indie/mom & pop record stores get proper support during yet another scary time to be a retailer, they get first crack at the reissue (contact RevHQ to have copies shipped now). Big box/chain retailer release date isn’t until March, as they’ll obviously survive…
Mailorder customers will also be able to order direct later in the week. When possible, support physical record stores in your community and use direct mailorder only as a final option. Thank you.