We proudly presents: Artists for Peace! A charity complation for the Ukrainian civilians, who gets all the beefit from this compilation!
Together with Marleen from Bonsai Kitten this megaproject contains over 150 minutes playtime and 40 international bands..some with exclusive or unreleased versions and songs!
bands like Die Toten Hosen, Doro, Udo Lindenberg, NOFX, Niedeckens Bap, Kreator, Seeed, Bülent Ceylan, Tocotronic, Beatsteaks, Stoppok, Amanda Palmer, Broilers, The BossHoss, Meute, Anti-Flag (USA), Slime, Broilers, Bonsai Kitten, The Toy Dolls (UK), Wally, Jesper Binzer von D.A.D. (DK), Betontod, Buster Shuffle (UK), Shirley Holmes, Suchtpotenzial, The Busters, Supernova Plasmajets, Hooligans Gegen Satzbau, Eugen Balanskat (Die Skeptiker), 100 Kilo Herz, Hayseed Dixie (USA), Torsun von Egotronic, Psychopunch (SE) und The Sensitives (SE), The Toten Crackhuren im Kofferraum, Menschabstinenz, Abwärts und Emscherkurve77.
Do-CD with linenotes /Booklet!
Double Vinyl arrives in August and is limited in blue & yellow Vinyl (not all artists are on it due to the playtime)
Soli-Compilation zur Hilfe der Betroffenen des Krieges in der Ukraine. u.a. mit UDO LINDENBERG, SEEED, NIEDECKEN, SLIME u.v.a.